Jessie Helmrich


Artist Statement

As a young, growing artist, I am still in the process of discovering and uncovering my personal, unique styles and interests. My submission for the Tempos Show was an assignment so it does not necessarily reflect who I am as an artist, but I do feel as if it shows my artistic flare applied to a limited subject matter. Through these assignments and others, I have realized my love for human proportions, realism, and naturalistic elements. “Where are all the People?” is a drawing inspired by the form and content of Leonardo Da Vinci’s study of praying hands. The title alludes not only to a childhood rhyme but also to a religious and social statement. I fittingly used an image of my own mother’s hands to execute the allusion and formal line qualities similar to those of Da Vinci. I was pleased with the outcome, not really knowing what to expect, and am looking forward to seeing how my personal style will carry on throughout my future paintings.

Where are all the People?

Where are all the People?

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